August 3, 2003

OK, OK, I'm awake. Well, I'm out of bed, anyway.

In the news

  • Rumsfeld Promises to Observe Muslim Rituals While Parading Husseins' Bodies Through Pentagon Offices for Photo Ops
  • FTC Checking Do-Not-Call List Effectiveness With Random Phone Calls During Dinner
  • GOP Defends Excluding Tax Cuts to Families Who Vote Democratic

    - - - the Daily Probe.

    A Fab 5 make-over of pReznit Primate?
    "Cowboy boots are fine for a certain kind of saucy backyard barbecue. But wearing them as often as he does, with those big belt buckles in the shape of Texas, it seems like he's trying too hard to prove his masculinity.

    "He's definitely on the right track with low-stress weight lifting, but if he really wants a physique for the ages, a little yoga would help uncoil that gunslinger hunch.

    "His hair is too tightly clipped. It looks painted on. And he's a huge squinter. The corner of his eyes are starting to look lined. Botox alert!

    "He needs to dip into the merciful world of cosmetic products and avail himself of some kind of lip balm or gloss that helps mask the fact that he misplaced his lips somewhere.

    "In open-collar shirts, he has a tiny little island of lost chest hair. It is too low to be a shaving oversight and too high to be a peripheral outgrowth of Alec Baldwin chest mat. It's neither fish nor fowl, so he should wax it out of there.

    "Everything else about him just shouts 'Butch, butch, butch!' But to throw Bush a metrosexual bone, whenever you see him walking off Air Force One with that little furball Barney under his arm, that canine puff of air that most drag queens wouldn't be caught dead with, it's like he's halfway to a Chanel rabbit fur handbag.

    "Bush does such a good job of seeming blissfully laid back and vacantly bubbly that he might as well go blond. It might help with California's electoral votes, too."

    - - from Maureen Dowd's column in the NY Times.

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