August 2, 2003

Please welcome CenterPoint!

Has anyone tried the new "BlogThis" tool at Blogger? I can't figure out what it's supposed to do, or how to get it to work.

Bush's big betrayal
Michael Hammerschlag at Hammernews writes:

"The CIA may have done some shifty things, overthrowing foreign leaders in the past, but by and large, they are an honorable bunch. Cheney & Co. first tried to bully the CIA into perverting their intelligence to portray Iraq as a clear and present threat. When that didn't work, they created their own shadow 'intelligence' outfit. Peopled by right-wing zealots, they pooled every wild rumor that claimed Iraq was an imminent danger...

"In the CIA's eyes, Bush has taken their intelligence product, adulterated it with trash, sold it like a tacky car salesman, then used it to fraudulently launch an unnecessary war. Then, he pins it on the CIA. Over at Langley, there is the distinct hiss of steam escaping, rage at our unelected President's second and massive betrayal. Our fault? Make no mistake, Bush will pay for his cowardice. The CIA has many ways to hurt him; imperial lies carefully filed and indexed."

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