December 1, 2003

Ambush and assassination
And it's 1, 2, 3, what are we fighting for?

'The search for the phantom weapons of mass destruction has been reduced to a nightly punchline in Jay Leno's monologue. No nukes, no anthrax and no nerve gas have been found; nothing to justify President Bush's pre-war declaration that Saddam Hussein posed an immediate threat to global security.'

There ain't no time to wonder why - whoopie, we're all gonna die

'So far, the most dangerous weapons uncovered are decidely low-tech -- pistols, rifles, homemade bombs, land mines and RPGs fired from donkey-drawn wagons. Unfortunately, they're doing a bang-up job of maiming and killing Americans.

'The atmosphere in Iraq remains so perilous that on Thanksgiving Day, Bush had to sneak into Baghdad on a darkened Air Force One.' - - Carl Hiaasen in the Miami Herald.

Theatrics of it all in Iraq
Fowl! Chickenshit chickenhawk serves turkey to sitting ducks

'Strong as the symbols are, clear as the imagery may be, smoke-and-mirrors won't neutralize a dogged enemy, won't improve a war plan that is flawed, won't force the headstrong zealots at the Pentagon to pull us out of the mess they've put us in.' - - Newsday

A coward goes to Baghdad
'The stupidity of conservatives never ceases to amaze me, as well as that of the media (and the majority of the American people, come to think of it).

'When it's the lives of our soldiers that are at risk, Bush says "Bring 'em on" or, "The United States will not be intimidated by a bunch of thugs." When it's HIS sorry ass that might be in peril, he says, "if anyone finds out I'm coming… I'M turning this plane around and going home." And for this act of seemingly unnoticed cowardice, he's called...bold?!

'Where's the boldness? Where's the bravado? Where's the "Bring 'em on" and "We won't be intimidated by thugs" when it really matters? All I see is blatant, 2 faced hypocrisy, and spineless, shameful cowardice. Verbal machismo backed by physical retreat do not equate with courage. But to anyone familiar with Mr. Bush's military record or his actions on that fateful day in September 2001, this is par for the course. And while Mr. Dressup in the White House's physical actions may be bold in their sheer audacity, they are certainly not bold in the positive context the media is framing them in now.' - - from Doug Basham's piece in

Mirror mirror
'As the weekend progressed, the images of Mr. Bush shaking hands and plopping Thanksgiving fixings onto soldiers' plates were increasingly juxtaposed with more ominous black-and-white film of President Lyndon B. Johnson visiting America troops in Vietnam.' - - the NY Times.

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