August 2, 2004

Vote for me or you're doomed... doooomed!
Hero/patriot Howard Dean: When you're going to run on inspiring fear in American people, that's politics. And there's no way you can get out of accusations and discussions about the relationship between politics and protecting us against terrorism in an election year when the president of the United States is avowedly running his political re-election campaign on the notion that he can protect us better from terrorism than John Kerry can.

WH toady Wolf Blitzer, soiling his panties: Let's move on.

Howard Dean: Yeah, right, Wolf, you yellow, ballless whore I happen to disagree with that. But the president himself made the choice to inject politics into the campaign on terrorism. That was his choice. He's now going to have to live with the consequences.

From the Economist:

Since Mr Ridge’s department was created, in the wake of the 2001 attacks, it has issued orange alerts several times but no signs subsequently emerged of any terrorist plots. This has raised suspicions that the Bush administration might be using the alerts as a political diversion. And, indeed, the latest warnings come just days after Mr Bush’s challenger, John Kerry, launched his election campaign at what was widely seen as a successful Democratic Party convention.

After Sunday’s announcement, Howard Dean, a leading Democrat and former presidential contender, complained on CNN television that “every time something happens that’s not good for President Bush, he plays this trump card, which is terrorism.”
"His whole campaign is based on the notion that 'I can keep you safe, therefore at times of difficulty for America stick with me,' and then out comes Tom Ridge."

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