July 12, 2005

Nine days later, White House Press Corpse discovers the Rove-Plame story, testicles
"I will not comment on an ongoing investigation.""I will not comment on an ongoing investigation.""I will not comment on an ongoing investigation.""I will not comment on an ongoing investigation.""I will not comment on an ongoing investigation." "I will not comm.. "

WH spokestool Bad Spot Scott McClellan gets pwnd.

Q: Scott, if I could -- if I could point out, contradictory to that statement, on September 29th, 2003, while the investigation was ongoing, you clearly commented on it. You were the first one who said, if anybody from the White House was involved, they would be fired. And then on June 10th of 2004, at Sea Island Plantation, in the midst of this investigation is when the President made his comment that, yes, he would fire anybody from the White House who was involved. So why have you commented on this during the process of the investigation in the past, but now you've suddenly drawn a curtain around it under the statement of "We're not going to comment on an ongoing investigation"?

McCLELLAN: John, I appreciate your questions. You can keep asking them, but you have my response.* Go ahead, Dave.

Q: We are going to keep asking them.

Q Scott, I think you're being barraged today in part because we -- it is now clear that 21 months ago, you were up at this podium saying something that we now know to be demonstratively false. Now, are you concerned that in not setting the record straight today that this could undermine the credibility of the other things you say from the podium?

- from Journalists Against Bush's BS.

Honestly. Forget "I didn't inhale" - this is more like "honest, officer, I was just helping that sheep get over the fence!"

You mean to tell me that Rove, one of "the most powerful men in Washington and in the innermost councils of the White House" knew that Valerie Plame was Joe Wilson's wife, but had no idea she was an undercover CIA operative working on WMDs? What was all that crap with Matt Cooper about "double super secret background"?

*"I will not comment on an ongoing investigation."


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