July 12, 2005

At the White House, a day of silence on Rove's role in CIA leak

Nearly two years after stating that any administration official found to have been involved in leaking the name of an undercover CIA officer would be fired, and assuring that pasty Svengali Karl Rove and other senior aides to President Doofus had nothing to do with the disclosure, the White House refused on Monday to answer any questions about new evidence of Mr. Rove's role in the matter.

A senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the White House now says its official position is not to comment on the case while it is under investigation by a federal special prosecutor, said Mr. Rove had gone about his business as usual on Monday: devising new smears against opponents and their families, pulling wings off flies, and killing and eating helpless kittens.

- Bitchy! From the NY Times. Mostly.

Lou Dobbs calls shenanigans on CNN
Lou takes time out from covering Broken Borders: the Brown Menace and Unical and the Yellow Peril to get all righteous on the WH ass:

DOBBS: So, Suzanne, we have progressed from "It's absolutely ridiculous," said the White House just about two years ago, that Karl Rove or any other adviser would be involved in this leak, to parsing whether or not he used a name or simply described a covert CIA operative by her relationship to Ambassador Joseph Wilson. Is that correct?

Later, Lou tells sweaty, stammering WH toady David Gergen to man up:

DOBBS: Jesus Christ, David, you fucking blowhard. I am not particularly interested in the legal aspect of this so much right now...

GERGEN: Right...

DOBBS: ... as I am in both the politics, and frankly, the forthright, honest character of the people who make statements such as, it's ridiculous to suggest that Karl Rove was behind this. Ambassador Joe Wilson, the husband of Valerie Plame, the CIA operative named in the Novak column, said straightforwardly, within just about a week's time in 2003, just about two years ago, that it was Karl Rove. And the White House was dismissive, and is now saying things like, well, he didn't use her name. We're hearing some parsing, aren't we? You ignorant slut?

Which almost made up for senile old fuckwit Jack Valenti earlier:
"Mehhhhhh! I'm not even sure what's the big deal with this Wilson and his wife Valley Plame thing. It's not what I would call a huge issue facing the American public today... Rove would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you damn kids! Ehhhhhhh! Now where's my nurse with my damn oatmeal, blarblarmint?!"


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