July 12, 2005

The WH's Cone of Silence

Bunnypants' aides put up a wall yesterday when questioned about revelations that White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove had discussed the role of CIA official Valerie Plame with a reporter despite past White House assertions that he was not involved in her unmasking...

Whether a crime occurred remains the focus of special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, but the latest revelations also leave White House credibility at stake, given past statements by the president, McClellan and others.

- from the WaComPo.

White House stonewalls, lies about Rove scandal

Rove's lawyer, Robert Luskin, says that Rove did not mention Valerie Wilson's name to Cooper. But this is a rather thin defense... [Matt Cooper's] email is undeniable evidence that Rove leaked national security information to a journalist to discredit a critic (Joseph Wilson).

Bush has not said what he intends to do about Rove now that there is public evidence that Rove leaked information on Valerie Wilson.

McClellan just stood there, counting the minutes, perhaps silently trying to convince himself that he was in his happy place and that he was not being beaten into a pulp.

After what transpired, no reporter should take McClellan's word at face value (if they ever did). Moreover, the larger issue is not his--and Bush's--credibility, but the wrongdoing committed by a senior White House official and the apparent lack of a response from the White House.

- David Corn.

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