January 12, 2006

SOB story
Boohoo. My poor husband has to answer questions during the biggest job interview of his life. Those evil democrats have gone too far!

Oh please.

The wife of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito left his confirmation hearings in tears Wednesday.

... after being coached to by Karl Rove, Ed Gillespie et al.

Martha-Ann Bomgardner, who had sat behind her husband for hours of questioning over several days, left as her husband was being air-fellated by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham.

... who also had a hand in coaching Strip-Search Sammy before the hearings began.

"Judge Alito, I am sorry that you've had to go through this. I am sorry that your family has had to sit here and listen to this," said Graham.

Why, oh why can't the opposition party just join us in giving you a nice warm handjob?

Moments earlier, the senator had asked Alito, "Are you really a closet bigot?" The nominee said no, and Graham said, "No sir, you're not."

Of course you're not, you gorgeous hunk of pulchritude! We don't need to ask you any more questions! Love you! Numnumnumnumnum!

Graham's exchange with the nominee came after withering* questions from several Judiciary Committee Democrats.

... concerning Alito's past membership in the Concerned Alumni of Princeton, or CAP, a conservative group that opposed admitting women and minorities to the university.

Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah suggested that Alito's wife was upset with the comments of Democrats. "She's sick and tired of the mistreatment of her husband," Hatch said.

How very impartial and dignified of you, Orrin. Or maybe she was upset seeing how much better the repugs were at blowing her husband than she was.

*There's that SCLM again!

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