February 21, 2006

Great Moments in Television
First, Jack Cafferty weighs in on the Dictator-tot's selling of US port security to a terrorist-riddled nation:

JACK CAFFERTY, CNN ANCHOR: Wolf, this may be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back. This deal to sell control of six U.S. ports to a company controlled by the United Arab Emirates.

There are now actually senators and congressman and governors and mayors telling the White House, you are not going to do this. It's about time. No one has said no to this administration on anything that matters in a very long time. Well, this matters. It matters a lot.

If this deal is allowed to go through, we deserve whatever we get. A country with ties to terrorists will have a presence at six critical doorways to our country. If anyone thinks that terrorists in time won't figure out how to exploit that than we're all done.

Nothing has happened yet, mind you, but if our elected representatives don't do everything in their power to stop this thing, each of us should vow to work tirelessly to see that they are removed from public office.

We're at a crossroads. Which way will we choose?

Yeah, baby. Next: Republican Congressman Curt Weldon. Yerp, Republican:

REP. CURT WELDON (R), PENNSYLVANIA: A couple thoughts, Wolf. First of all, last time I checked the Constitution there are three separate and equal branches. This White House did nothing to communicate with Congress on this deal.

With all of the concern about port security going on in America right now, at a minimum, leaders of both parties should have been brought in from both houses and had this deal reviewed. That didn't occur. And it's a little late right now to announce it and say the government is behind it. We're not going stand for that.

And second, we're not talking about any company from any other country. We're talking about a company with a majority interest owned by another government, a government that does not recognize the state of Israel. That would be like having America as a nation go over and buy the airport in Dubai. The Emirates would never allow that to happen. And we're not going to allow this to happen. It's wrong, it wasn't properly communicated. And the Congress has grave concerns.

In my case, Philadelphia is a strategic military port. We worked hard for that designation. It's where all of our military armaments go through in time of need and to think that we'd have that strategic military port controlled by an Emirates government organization is just ridiculous.

BLITZER: The president's argument is if it's OK for a British- owned company to operate the port in Philadelphia and other ports, why can't an Arab-owned company that he says has a very good track record do the same thing? What kind of signal he's afraid that would send to the Arab world?

WELDON: Well, you drooling simpleton, he should have thought about that before this deal was reviewed by the agencies. It reminds me of Bill Clinton when he told the president of Taiwan he couldn't get a Visa to come to America and the Congress overwhelmingly overruled the president. There is a need for communication in this government. We're not subservient to the White House and in this case, the White House did not communicate with the Congress.
WELDON: I can tell you my colleagues on both sides of the aisle are extremely upset. We're going to fight this every step of the way. Hopefully the White House will now try to reach out as opposed to using a bully pulpit to beat up on the Congress which is simply trying to do its job.

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