February 22, 2006

The White House: Tone-Deaf or Brain-Dead?

Mr President, are you nuts? {:::::::! - Ed.}

That giant sucking sound you hear is one really big mob of congressional Republicans evacuating their side of the aisle en masse and galloping over to agree with their left-coast colleagues as fast as they possibly can that the summary selloff of U.S. port operations to Dubai is your basic bad idea. Why, this whole heretofore sorrowfully rent nation has suddenly just come together as one.

- from a NY Daily News editorial.

Foolish and indefensible: another Harriet Miers moment for the Boy King.

What is the president thinking? {make them stop! - Ed.}

Does George W. Bush really mean to use his first veto, after more than five years in office, on a bill that has Republicans and Democrats marching in lock-step — on national-security grounds?

To Bush, this is all a matter of anti-Arab profiling: "I want those who are questioning it to step up and explain why all of a sudden a Middle Eastern company is held to a different standard than a [British] company," which last week was sold to the UAE firm.

With all due respect, Mr. President, here's why:
* The UAE — and, specifically, Dubai — has been a breeding ground for terrorism.

* Its banking system — considered the commercial center of the Arab world — provided most of the cash for the 9/11 hijackers.

* It continues to stonewall the U.S. Treasury Department's efforts to track al Qaeda's bank accounts.

* Some of the operational planning for 9/11 took place inside the UAE.

* It exchanged ambassadors with the Taliban when the latter subjugated Afghanistan.

* And it trans-shipped weapons to Iran.

Security at the ports is already lax enough; there's no need to bring in another compromising element to what has been America's most vulnerable point of entry, post-9/11.

- Shit, when even the NY comPost is against you, you know you're in deep doodoo. Ditto the World Nut Daily.

O rly?

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