March 7, 2006

Neuschwanstein castle pic from Yahoo News.

In over his head
Even supporters are beginning to question Smarty McGeniusson. About #ucking time.

[T]he truly damaging revelation, from a public relations perspective, was the admission by White House press secretary Scott McClellan that the president didn't even know about the deal to turn over the operation of US ports to the United Arab Emirates until after it had appeared on the front pages of newspapers around the country. That shocked even many Republican loyalists.

Asscheeses. Why the fuck should that surprise them? He's been like that since day one, living in his own special fantasyland where everyone loves him, the sun is always shining, and friendly little bluebirds happily chirp around his widdle head while bunnies look up at his adoringly.

The problem for President Bush is a growing perception that he simply isn't competent.

Duh!!! Gee, ya think?! :: head pounding ::

That's the story behind the polling numbers that have declined.

[T]he way the port takeover was handled reinforced a growing impression among the public that the nobody is really in charge in the Bush White House. How could the president not even have been consulted on an issue directly involving national security, Bush's strong suit in the minds of most Americans and especially most Republicans? The night after the story broke, comedian Jay Leno joked, "Do you know who's in charge of US ports? Neither does President Bush."

Yeah, laugh it up, assclown. Real funny. When you could have helped in 2000, you were too busy making jokes about Clinton's c*ck. I bet you'll still be making them tomorrow. Fuck you, and fuck the WaComPo.

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