June 6, 2006

Dear fuckwit
A letter to Preznit Pathetie O'Panderer from the Log Cabin Republicans:

On behalf of millions of gay and lesbian Americans, I write to denounce your decision to divide the American family by promoting an amendment that would insert discrimination into the United States Constitution. Your decision to use the grounds of the White House - America's House - to advance discrimination is an insult to millions of fair minded Americans from all walks of life.

Your effort to codify discrimination against our families, including men and women in uniform while the nation is at war, is offensive and unworthy of the office of the Presidency. Great Republican Presidents from Abraham Lincoln to Ronald Reagan have united Americans and appealed to our best hopes, not our worst fears.

Today, you desecrate America's House by using the White House grounds to denigrate part of the American family. History recalls those moments in America's past when our nation's leaders expanded liberty and fairness for American citizens. History also remembers those political leaders who have stood in the doorway of equality and tolerance.

Meanwhile, in the Oval Office, the preznit and party leaders review their to-do list:

1. End the war in Iraq- no.
2. Find Osama Bin Laden - ummm, who? No.
3. Guard every port and gate into the country - no.
4. Give healthcare to everyone - forget it. No.
5. Enforce fair labor laws - funny! No.
6. Prepare for natural disasters - what, more? No.
7. Build smaller, fuel efficient cars - yore kidding, right?? No.
8. Modernize our energy supply - huh? No.
9. Make our public schools the best in the world - is our children learning? Who cares. No.
10. Talk about weddings - check!

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