June 23, 2006

Eat me, Karl
"Senior US intelligence officials said Thursday they have no evidence that Iraq produced chemical weapons after the 1991 Gulf War, despite recent reports from media outlets and Republican lawmakers."

Hmmm...let's see: Election year again and for Rove, Bush, and Republicans what does that mean? It means that suddenly Iran is supposedly "planting roadside bombs in Iraq", Rove wants Republicans to talk about Iraq, Iraq, Iraq...oh, and Iraq. It means gay marriage amendments. It also means a sudden rash of terrorists hiding in Miami. Most of all, however, it means Bush's so-called National Intelligence Director, Negroponte, releasing a report claiming to have found "WMD in Iraq".

That means Rumsfeld making asinine and outright dishonest statements like "They are weapons of mass destruction. They are harmful to human beings. And they have been found."

That means other lying-liar Republicans like Santorum claiming, "We now have found stockpiles."

Then, of course, the truth leaked out: former weapons inspector David Kay, "It is less toxic than most things that Americans have under their kitchen sink at this point."

So, what does all this mean? It means Republicans are in the midst of an election cycle and, therefore, life for America will be all about terror scares, terrorists hiding in this and that city, charges of terrorism that are either eventually -- post-election -- dropped or tossed from courts. It means Iran becomes a new boogeyman and yes, it means more discoveries of WMD in Iraq, which aren't really WMD or the WMD Bush lied the nation to war over. That is what it all means. Be afraid America, be VERY afraid...it's election time Republican style.

- from the Progressive Daily Beacon.

Meanwhile, Circlejerk Central, World Nut Daily and the other rightwingnut sites are still crowing over the 'discovery' of 'weapons of mass destruction.' Apparently we were all wrong and we owe our Great Leader an apology. LOL. Doucheclowns. They can all kiss my ass.

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