October 23, 2006

Bush faces political nightmare total fucking pwnage if Democrats win
If Dems win control of the Congress this November 7th, it would "turn the Capitol upside down and create a political nightmare for the already embattled" liar President Stupie McGroperson, smirking powermad mindsplatted loser.

If his [Republican enablers] lose the majority, Bush would suddenly face promised Democratic-led congressional investigations with subpoena power.

Rep. Henry Waxman, who would be Government Reform Committee chairman if Democrats took control, said: "It's an important part of Congress's duty under the Constitution to do vigilant oversight. Republicans failed in that regard in the past six years."

"What happens if Democrats take control of the House?" House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer asked. "Shouting and glee after being in the wilderness for lo these many years."

Impeach the fuckwit. Impeach them all. Mwwaaahahahahaha!
- m

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