March 21, 2007

Further proof that the revolution will be blogged

1) AMERICABlog documents Tony Snow's opinion on so-called executive privilege:

Evidently, [the President] wants to shield virtually any communications that take place within the White House compound on the theory that all such talk contributes in some way, shape or form to the continuing success and harmony of an administration. Taken to its logical extreme, that position would make it impossible for citizens to hold a chief executive accountable for anything. He would have a constitutional right to cover up.

Problem is, he was talking about President Clinton. MMMM, that sauce for the goose is gonna taste mighty good on the gander, too.

Over at Talking Points Memo, an astute commenter and a TPM reporter were perhaps the first to discover an 18-day gap in the recent document dump from DOJ--coincidentally, the period just before the plan for the purge was to carried out. Where are those documents?

Purgegate has been Josh Marshall's story all along. I hope he gets a Pulitzer.

Keep up the awesome work, everyone. The future of our country depends on you.



Anonymous said...

18-day gap? - Bush the Dumber
18-minute gap? - Nixon the Loser
What's with these repubs, anyway? Is this the new NWO-style numerology or sumpn?

Anonymous said...


Simply. Freaking. Amazing.

Both the 18-day gap and the work Josh and his minions have done.

Yes, Josh should win the Pulitzer for public service. That 10-grand check won't go far divided among all his contributors/commenters (and probably is better spent on his site infrastructure), but it'll send a signal to the doubters that citizen journalism is fo' real. Having failed 10 months earlier than anyone else in the country to get it up and running on real storis, I couldn't be more thrilled.