April 9, 2007

Trust me, ma'am: I'm a Mormon
Umm, just remember, Mitt, that's spelled m-o-r-M-o-n.

Pundits, wags, and other republicans having a field day with the shameless panderer, serial flipflopper and man o' God.

"Leave it to Mitt Romney to shoot himself in the foot with a gun he doesn't own."

[W]hen do flip-flops turn into something more ominous?

Changing from pro-gun control to anti-gun control is a flip-flop. Saying you are a longtime hunter when you hunted twice is an exaggeration. Saying you own a gun when you don't is a lie.
"I think it was a major mistake" for Romney to squeal about being a lifelong hunter, said Mike Huckabee on "Face the Nation" this weekend. "It would be like me saying I've been a lifelong golfer because I played putt-putt when I was 9 years old and I rode in a golf cart a couple of times."

I almost made a comment about being an "erstwhile A-list blogger" because we used to be on Atrios's blogroll, but I decided to start drinking instead.


Anonymous said...

You're an A-list blogger in my book, sweetie.

And not just because you have pooties.


Anonymous said...

Fuck Atrios, I've never been there. I'm here everyday so quit yer cryin.

Anonymous said...

"[W]hen do flip-flops turn into something more ominous?"

When something sharp makes its way through the soft rubber sole into your foot, but you can't quite locate it, because it doesn't poke through unless you're putting pressure on that particular part of the foot.

Then, the flip-flop itself becomes your enemy. As you might suspect, it ends in the rejection of what was up til then the most comfortable pair of shoes you owned, and tears.

Oh well, the 99cent store is right over there.

Anonymous said...

Fark Atrios. He's way over-rated. Your blog beats the snot outta his any day.

Annie said...

Atrios and his world's slowest chat room, err.. I mean comments, is boring and unimaginative.

maru said...


ThePoliticalCat said...

Here, baby, lemme pour. ;^)