April 20, 2007

White House insiders: Alberto Gonzales' testimony "a royal clusterfuck"

The sources, involved in misadministration discussions about Gonzales, told CNN that senior level White House aides who heard the testimony described Gonzales as "going down in flames," "not doing himself any favors," "predictable," and "flailing around like a fucking drowning wildebeast."

"Everyone's putting their best public face on," one source said, "but everyone is discouraged. Everyone is disappointed."

"Every senator except for that greased-up asskisser Orrin Hatch was mean to him, and even John Cornyn was frustrated. That's not good," another White House insider said.
Meanwhile, not everyone was upset with the Attorney General’s performance. Yep, Retard McJebus "was pleased" wif his wittle Chili Bean.

"Sob! You guys suck! I'm telling the preznit!"

1 comment:

Undeniable Liberal said...

The whole time he looks like a schoolkid giving a report on a book he hasn't read.