April 20, 2007

Limbaugh: "pass me that bottle of oxycontin and another donut"
Oh, sorry: "mmmphph, thanks... is that percocet?"
Ummm: "gun aficionado was a liberal." Because we all know how much liberals love blasting away with firearms.

On his April 19 hatecast, the impotent and chronically-constipated Rush Limbaugh declared that the Virginia Tech murderer "had to be a liberal."

"You start railing against the rich, and all this other -- this guy's a liberal. He was turned into a liberal somewhere along the line. So it's a liberal that committed this act."

Limbaugh then complained that "Now the drive-bys will read on a website that I'm attacking liberalism by comparing this guy to them. That's exactly what they do every day, ladies and gentlemen. I'm just pointing out a fact. I am making no extrapolation."
What a douche. There's a special place in Hell reserved for people like Rush, one where they are continually assraped by demons wearing Al Sharpton masks, while others that look like Hillary flutter around their fat stupid heads laughing at their tiny shrivelled peeners.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, right Rush - "no extrapolation". Just an obvious insinuation that liberalism somehow was responsible for a sick individual (who was alienated from virtually EVERYONE -- liberal, conservative, middle-roaders) getting ahold of a mail-order weapon (the .32), a Glock, and buying his ammo at Wal-Mart (where all us liberals LOVE to shop) so that he could indiscriminately blow away everyone in his path. Is that what liberalism is Rush? I thought we liberals were all drug-addled hippies or quiche eating 'coasters' -- or (horror or horrors) welfare-addicted tax & spenders? When did we turn so dark & alienated? Was it reading those Nitzche books or JP Sartre that did it? Tell me oh wise one -- I crave your worldly wisdom!!

Undeniable Liberal said...

Lush Bimbo, once again demonstrating that heavy, mixed doses of Viagra and Oxycontin have serious hallucinogenic side affects, calls the Virginia Tech killer "a liberal," which is bullshit because liberals want to ban guns for everyone, except criminals.

Anonymous said...

My name is Kurt Fischer and i would like to show you my personal experience with Oxycontin.

I have taken for 2 years. I am 27 years old. I took percecet 10 mg 4 times a day and they helped but gave me massive mindgrains so I switched to oxycotin which I think is a better long term drug. Oxycontin doesnt have a coming down experience you stay feeling good the whole day. The only bad thing about it is getting off it, I just resestly got off it 3 days ago and had very bad withdrawl symptoms even with help of a "junkie" medication.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Kurt Fischer