Monica Goodling, at the time an aide to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, sobbed for 45 minutes in the office of career Justice Department official David Margolis on March 8 as she related her fears that she would have to quit, according to congressional aides briefed on Margolis's private testimony to House and Senate investigators.
Honey, you should have considered your career before you decided to throw your lot in with a bunch of criminals and do their dirty work for them. Or maybe you thought it was going to be a Thousand Year Reich.

I guess Monica never learned Numbers 32:23 at her quasi-Christian fake law school, " sure your sin will find you out."
Boo-freakin-hoo, lady. Enjoy prison.
Oh, poor baby...she thought her experience and qualifications were for real. Monica, honey...that isn't why you were hired - Regent is a 4th (out of 4) tier school. You thought you shot quickly to the top, uh why?
dg - love the 'Thousand Year Reich' quip! Maybe she was after the Eva Braun award?
The conservatives are so often real hard-nosed assholes and supposedly believe in 'strict personal accountability' and 'fundamentalist Christian morality', yadda,yadda,yadda, but it quickly breaks down if it's someone in their party, and it vanishes if it's someone in their family or themselves! A good article on that was this link:
And I'm supposed to feel sorry for this useless twat? Some of us actually worked for our law degrees and our careers. Monica got there by the Rethug equivalent of "on her back."
See, this is a fundamental difference between Rethugs and Dems: Rethugs' idea of "sleeping your way to the top" involves destroying people's lives. None of that nasty sex, please; we're "Christians" - but it's pimping and whoring, all the same.
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