May 23, 2007

Bush to reveal bin Laden ordered attacks outside Iraq
Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!

Bum bum bum! Quick! To the panic room! Preznit Asshole von Awol, trying to defend his unpopular war strategery, declassified intelligence to conveniently offer "new evidence" that Al-Qaeda wants to turn Iraq into a base to plot attacks on the US.

"See, see! We gotta fight 'em over there so we don't hafta fight 'em over here!" the moron said.

"Yes, the just-declassified information about bin Laden and Iraq from 2005 was so hot that even the Bush administration did not change the national terror alert level." - AmericaBlog


Anonymous said...

> Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!

That trick never works.

Anonymous said...

And of course fucking "W"* conveniently omits the fact that Al-Queda was NOT a presence in any of government-controlled-Iraq BEFORE he started his goddamn war! He effectively & predictably supplied them an environment where they could hide/exist & thrive.

(* How's that as a new name for his ranch? You know, like the 'Rocking H Ranch' or similar, only his would be the 'Fucking W'! Eh?? No? OK, just a thought.)

Anonymous said...

W is such a lying sack o'shit.