The party of personal responsibilitude
Well, I guess we should have seen this one coming: unethical horndog Paul Wolfowitz blames the media for "forcing" him to resign.
"I think it tells us more about the media than about the bank and I'll leave it at that," he told the British Broadcasting Corp."Emotions here were overheated. Just like my hormones," he said in an interview.

The standard tag-line on any Repuke that's FINALLY brought to some kind of minimal justice (if there were real justice, Wolfowitz would be tried with the rest of the Neo-con cabal for warmongering and the 100's of thousands of deaths that he's responsible for) is to blame 'the liberal media'. It's a convenient, predictable throw-away line that I suspect isn't even really working on their base anymore, they've milked it so much...
I won't even comment on Paul Wolfowitz, except to lament that someone in the US military should have aimed that that rocket better at his Baghdad hotel in 2003. Damn, missed him by that much.
But, speaking of Party, how about Cindy Sheehan's comments on why she is leaving the Democratic Party??
Cindy, run for national office. You've got my vote.
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