May 22, 2007

Two grizzly bears discuss dismembering and eating spineless pussy-assed Democrats while enjoying a soak in their tub at the San Francisco Zoo. (Photo by Layla Williams)


Anonymous said...

This just confirms that the Dems are trying to finesse this situation in a realpolitik way -- ie; appear to be against the War in Iraq, but eventually be 'forced' to give in to mean 'ol W, give him enough rope to hang himself (and, incidentally, 1000's of US soldiers + 100's of 1000's of Iraqis, the US Constitution, etc) and then use the disastor of Iraq & the rest of the crap in the next election). While it might work (and that's certainly NOT a give), it will definitely end up with a lot more people killed and our democracy at home being compromised -- possibly very seriously! And it certainly doesn't win any long-term statesmanship points for the Dems in the process!

Anonymous said...

When a teenager centuries ago, we used to take field trips to the San Francisco zoo.

Don't foul my memories by including the zoo with Democrats, please.

By the way, take warm clothes when you go, and eat some pizza from the parlor down the street from the entrance to zoo: Best in The City.

Then drive down to Ocean Avenue, and hate yourself because you didn't buy one of the houses with ocean view for $200,000 ten years ago, the houses now $1.5 million.

Native Virginian, yes, wonderful, beautiful state.

Nothing in Virginia compares to The City.

No city ANYWHERE in the world does.

Shanghai comes closest.

Take farang's word on that.