May 22, 2007

Y'all Do as Ah Say, Not as Ah Do.
Nah go on an' fuck yerselfs.

How ironic, this is the start of National Seatbelt Week, a campaign by the government's National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, to get Americans to buckle up. And Pretzelnut O'Drydrunk sets a fine example to kick off the festivities.


Anonymous said...

Another excellent example of the IOKIYAFR motto! And loved the "Pretzelnut O'Drydrunk" sobriquet!

While it's hard to define 'worst' because there's so many catagories, I can definitely say that "W" is the least qualified, most incompetent president in my lifetime (and that goes back to the 1950's), though Reagan was a close second. Both barely know WTF is/was going on and were warmongers, but Reagan seemed to know a little more (neglegible, but existent) about what was going on then W. And Reagan didn't fuck-up as MANY words/statements as W.

Anonymous said...

Heh, heh, pull ma finger

Anonymous said...

Ah say f*ck you with this finga, right?

Anonymous said...

His spokesperson pointed out that he was on his own, private property (at the Lazy W) and therefore not required to wear his seatbelt. Let's hope he swerves to avoid Karl and hits a freaking tree.

Anonymous said...

Or... let's hope he DOESN'T swerve to avoid Karl. In a panic, he stomps the gas to run from the scene to keep from taking the sobriety test, and THEN hits a freaking tree.

Anonymous said...

As Emperor, I proclaim I AM wearing my seat belt; it just matches my clothes. For cheap gas, pull my finger!

Anonymous said...

here's another do as I say not as I do, the Cheney's 6th grand child born to their lesbian daughter Mary and her female partner Heather Poe. Hey religious voters, for fuck yourselves.