Look, my scrotum!
Congress finds dusty box of testicles up in the attic
The House and Senate Judiciary Committees have subpoenaed former Rove deputy Sara Taylor and ex-WH counsel/cheerleader Harriet Miers, as part of the investigation into Alberto Gonzales and the firing of federal prosecutors.
The subpoenas set up a possible court fight between Congress and the miserable little turd in the Oval Office, who has vowed to oppose any attempt to force current or former aides to provide sworn testimony.Dude, it's a start, but I still want to see that miserable little snotrag Karl up on the stand.
"The White House cannot have it both ways -- it cannot stonewall congressional investigations by refusing to provide documents and witnesses, while claiming nothing improper occurred," Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy said, fondling his new-found nads.

And now if Leahy could find/fondle his cock, he could comply with Cheney's prior suggestion, since he ain't filibustered or put a senate secret hold OR even induced a DEM LalaPeloser IMPEACHMENT article on any of the Bush malignant fascists!
those fucks will never let them testify.
I'd rather see that lil' slimey bastard's raisins nailed to a wall!!! Where's the fuckin' snipers when you need them?!?
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