June 13, 2007

Poll of republicans reveal majority are totally fucking stupid
A Gallup poll on evolution showed that, ironically, knuckledragging troglotards disbelieve in it by more than 2-to-1, outnumbering those who do by 68 percent to 30 percent. Jebus wept.


Anonymous said...

Jesus fucking christ. What a comforting thought.
Give them some Smart-Pills, that should kill 'em or cure 'em.

Anonymous said...

Boy, how crooked do you have to screw your head on, and how many hard facts do you have to willingly ignore in this day and age to NOT accept evolution!?? Is it any fucking wonder there's a big overlap in fundamentalists and Bush supporters??

Quick note - excellent 'deeper' book on evolution by Richard Dawkins is "The Blind Watchmaker".

PS - though you've used it before, I still always laugh when seeing the 'Christosaur'.