June 25, 2007

Other priorities
As the Vietnam War raged, sanctimonious hockeypuck Mitt Romney received deferments from the draft for two and a half years just for being a moron --- scuse me, a Mormon -- plus deferments running an additional three for "academic studies." When he finally became eligible, he was turned down because he hadn't changed his God-approved lucky underwear for six years.


Anonymous said...

It's the angel who's a moron. Moroni, isn't it? The Italian for 'moron'.

Anonymous said...

Vietnam draft dodging and dirty underwear? Hell I thought you were talking about right winger and has been guitarist Ted Nugent. Old Turd Nugget admitted in an interview with the Detroit Free Press (July 15, 1990)to urinating and defecating in his pants for an entire week before reporting for his draft board physical during the Vietnam War. I think they're still fueling Three Mile Island.