June 21, 2007

Poised for a political comeback, Bush plunges to new low in poll
The popular war preznit has regained his footing... oh, I'm sorry, Mr Broder, make that Retard McJebus registers the lowest approval rating of his presidency ---making him the least popular president since Richard Nixon.

In the new poll [conducted by Newsweek], Bush’s approval rating has reached a record low. Only 26 percent of Americans approve of the job the [miserable, petulant little chickenshit] is doing; while a record 65 percent disapprove, including nearly a third of Republicans.
The Dictator-tot scores "record or near-record lows" on every major issue: from the economy to health care, immigration, the war, terrorism and homeland security, and even the guy-I'd-most-like-to-have-a beer-with issue.

Yes. Not only that, he sucks major monkey ass.


Anonymous said...

Oh NO... NOT "guy-I'd-most-like-to-have-a beer-with issue" TOO!?! As I recall, that was SUCH a fucking important characteristic of potential presidential timber back in 2000! At least according to the MSM, ee couldn't risk having a president like Gore because... well because of his 'wooden & stiff' personality that wouldn't work well in a bar room setting. And you know that bar room personality is really an important trait for people that have to talk to international leaders of vastly different backgrounds - - they all really appreciate that 'spoiled frat-boy' persona because it's so helpful in brokering peace accords and spanning political differences! Think of all the bar room 'fun-guys' you've know and what great leaders THEY'VE been. Well, maybe at leading a local AA meeting at least...

It's almost important as the calculated smarm that Reagan was able to project - - another key presidential trait.

Anonymous said...

Bush is now officially the Limbo President, as in "How low can you go?"

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I wonder how that 26% breaks down to party-types?

Billionaires with government contracts with DoD and affiliates: 1 %

Multimillionaires with government contracts with DoD and affiliates: 3 %

Millionaires with government contracts with DoD and affiliates: 5 %

Millionaire wannabees with positions with corporations with government contracts with Dod and affiliates: 10 %

Just plain stupid diehard dupes that still believe the lies: 7 %

Did I mess anyone?
