June 21, 2007

Asshole ponders run, Dems ponder running asshole over
Zombie attention whore and insufferable crap-hat Ralph Nader says he is seriously considering running for president in 2008 because his penis is too small he believes the election "offers little real choice to voters." I mean, that whole Iraq war thing is soooooo 2007.

He also singled out Hillary Clinton, calling her a "coward" who -- unlike any of the rebooblican candidates, I guess -- "goes around pandering to powerful interest groups on the one hand and flattering general audiences on the other."

Right. Just STFU and die already, you dandruff-eating dipshit.


Anonymous said...

Am hoping Nader does run just so he can get on the same stage with Hillary and provide her the opportunity to walk up and bitch-slap him silly. Someone needs to do it.

Anonymous said...

He is a little spoiler but he's right about Hillary "I was on the board of Walmart for 8 years, phoney political gold digger" Clinton.

Unknown said...

Pay attention!
Nader was right, and how many times are you idiots going to vote Dem one more time? I mean, dem reformism has worked so well-- look around, it's paradise! You sheeple are as dedicated to the status quo as a NASCAR dad or a soccer mom--
Why don't you fill up the car with bio-diesel, and go to the beach!

Anonymous said...

Scott, if you really believe that there is no difference between the US today and the US that would have resulted from an Al Gore presidency, there's no hope for you.

Yes, the Democrats are in the pocket of bigCorps, and that's Nader's issue.

Yes, Nader was a crucial factor in making the 2000 election so close that the Supreme Court could hand it to Bush. Fuck him. Fuck him sideways. Fuck him for all time. If I ever see the man in person, I _will_ spit on him.

Anonymous said...

Ralph Nader is a megalomaniacal misogynist asshole who hasn’t done one useful thing since the Corvair expose. Hillary is certainly not my first choice but for all her flaws is at least a real human being of much compassion and love. My preferences for the Executive would be Gore/Edwards for two terms, Edwards/Obama for two terms, and then Obama/??? for another two terms. On the other hand, ANY Democrat including Hillary will be better in’08 than ANY Republican. Nader needs have the embalming job finished and done with, then someone get a wooden stake and make certain. If you say you’re from the left but can’t support the Democrat nominee who ever they may be, you are a traitor to progressivism and no kind of liberal. And an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Nader is a big dick!

bigdog said...

I like what Bartcop had to say about old Ralph. He basically said that if Nader was serious about making a positive difference then why doesn't he run for the house or senate? You know (something he could actually have a chance at winning. Why president? It just goes to show that Nader is just another usefull idiot for Karl Rove and the rest of the rightwing nutjobs.

Unknown said...

Dems are a slow death---
Pepsi Lite. Same dedication to market capitalism.
It's like the Titanic- the rethugs are out looking for icebergs to ram, the dems are changing deck chairs, and the sane, observant people have abandoned ship.
How many time are you deluded sheeple going to re arrange the chairs?

shartheheretic said...


So you're saying you (and the rest of your 'high-thinking friends') would rather vote for Nader and hand another victory over to the Republicans?

You never answered Joel...can you honestly sit there and say you believe that the past 8 years would be no different with Gore as President? If so, you are the one who is delusional.

BTW, I am about as far left as you can be without being a freaking communist, but I am also lucid enough to realize that I am not going to wake up tomorrow and have the opportunity for the president to be a true leftist, so I WILL vote for the "lesser of the evils". And at this point in time, that is the Democratic party.

Unknown said...

From a letter to the publisher posted on Salon in 2000:
While I agree that there are vast differences in the positions of our two political parties on the environment, the workplace, women's rights and other important issues, Nader is correct in pointing out that both parties hold the view that capitalism is the only realistic economic system, and the market should define the economy's direction. All other industrial democracies have strong labor parties with a strong counter view to capitalism, and parliamentary governments to assure fair representation. We do in reality live in a one-party state.

-- Scott Ahlf
I hope that clarifies my position