June 21, 2007

Today's breaking news from Duh!.com
New Gallup poll data shows confidence in Congress is at all time low of 14%.

Bonus: Senate Republicans blocked tax hikes for their asshole buddies in the oil bidness Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Yet every poll also shows that Americans trust Democrats more than Republicans on every issue, and would rather see Dems in control of both Congress and the Presidency. Apparently people are smart enough to figure out that Republicans are the problem across the board, and the dissatisfaction with Congress is aimed at the obstructionist die-hard dead-ender Republican minority, not Democrats. Perhaps you should have used a photo of McConnell and Boehner instead.

Anonymous said...

No a shot of the Vichycrat collaborators is also apropos.

Anonymous said...

Both are right - the Repubs are The Problem, but the Vichycrats are letting The Problem do whatever it wants.

The dems do seem to be rolling over onto their backs and pissing themselves in submission with *slightly* more dignity these days, though.

Anonymous said...

Yep, dump on the Dems, that'll make it all better. Since we're going to use WWII traitorous terminology like Vichy, I will suggest that those who choose to support the Neocons by chastizing Democrats are Quislings; look it up.

Republicans are the sworn enemies of freedom and progressive policies, Dems are not. Focus on the real enemy, win the '08 elections; then we can start working on upgrades.