Bush faces new showdown over Iraq policy
By his own party. The ones that aren't wank-brained blindly partisan asswipers.
White House advisers Stephen Hadley, Josh Bolten and pasty slimebag Karl Rove are starting to panic over rethug defections in the face of the continuing bloodshed in Iraq, and are holding brainstorming sessions while Chimpy McStupid sits in a corner and colors.
Officials describe the meetings as more of a running discussion than an argument.Of course they do! It's just a couple a' guys talking! You know, sports, broads, possibly losing everything in the 2008 election...
They say that no one is clinging to a stay-the-course position but that instead aides are trying to game out what might happen if the president becomes more specific about the start and the shape of what the White House is calling a “post-surge redeployment.”In other words, aides are trying to figure out just how loudly the Dems would roar with laughter if the preznit becomes more specific about cutting and running like a troop-hating islamofascistodefeatocrat surrender-monkey, or roar with rage over his hypocrisy and that it took a couple of his erstwhile rubberstampers too worried about thier own poll numbers climbing out of his treehouse for him to sort of come to his addled senses, the little snot.
“Everyone’s particularly worried about what happens when McCain gets back from Iraq,” one official said. [McStain's] political troubles in the race for the nomination have fueled speculation that he may declare the Iraqi government incapable of the political accommodations that the 'crackdown on violence' was supposed to permit.Or, he might just stay true to form. You know, a snivelling misadministration meatpuppet.
White House spokes-liar Tony Snow said Monday that Retard McJebus was not considering a pullout of US troops, which could mean , of course, that he is.

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