July 25, 2007

Commander Codpiece's poll numbers finally hit record high
Disfavor for Bush hits rare heights: In modern era, only Nixon scored worse

With 18 months left in office, [the Dictator-tot] is in the running for the most unpopular president in the history of modern polling.

The latest Washington Post-ABC News survey shows that 65 percent of Americans hate America disapprove of Bush's job performance, matching his all-time low. In polls conducted by The Post or Gallup going back to 1938, only once has a president exceeded that level of public animosity -- and that was Richard Nixon, who hit 66 percent four days before he resigned.

The president's low public standing has paralleled the disenchantment with the Iraq war, but some analysts said it goes beyond that, reflecting a broader unease with Bush's policies in a variety of areas.

"It isn't just the Iraq war," said Shirley Anne Warshaw, a presidential scholar at Gettysburg College. "It's everything."

Read that again. That is just so cool: public animosity for Awol McStupid is near record levels.

"At least Richard Nixon had the decency to resign."

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