Gonzales digs himself a deeper hole
Just when it seemed that Alberto Gonzales' reputation couldn't possibly get any worse, he showed up for yet another hearing...
"Once again he's making up something to protect himself and creating situations that never happened," Senator Jay Rockefeller said, adding that "based on what I know, I'd have to say" Gonzales has committed perjury.Columnist Andrew Cohen:
"The department is dysfunctional. Every week a new issue arises. That is just decimating, Mr. Attorney General. The list goes on and on. . . . Is your department functioning? What credibility is left for you? Do you expect us to believe that? Your credibility has been breached to the point of being actionable."
And that was just from the top Republican on the committee, Arlen Specter. Democrats had to scramble to keep up with the ranking member's contempt.
No reasonable person watching Gonzales' tragically comedic performance Tuesday's on Capitol Hill -- especially his miserable exchange with Sen. Charles Schumer -- can any longer defend his appalling lack of competence, courage and credibility. And no one who hears him say that he is what's best for the Department right now should forget that on the eve of his testimony (and a few days after he urged his subordinates to work diligently to regain their morale) the nation's top law enforcement official reportedly left work early to go for a bike ride Monday afternoon-- at about 3:50 p.m.Indeed. Nobody had anything good to say today either about the AG's performance yesterday on the stand or his performance on the job. Except for Fox News, the WH propaganda station. Even some of the big conservative blogs I've visited have been quiet on the subject.
I am running out of words to describe how inept this public servant is and how awful is the message our government sends to the nation and to the world by allowing him to continue to represent us.
Heh -- when I last checked over at Freetardia they were focused on the new terra attacks!! warnings, having multiple Fredgasms, and bashing Hillary. You know, the usual.

Alberto Gonzales walks past the few remaining aides at the Department of Justice Tuesday.
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