July 2, 2007

Court tells Libby to go fuck himself

In a 'dramatic setback,' the US appeals court rules Scooter Libby must go to prison while appealing his conviction for obstruction in the CIA leak probe.

The wails of "buh... buh... but... Sandy Burgler!" could be heard above the accompaniment of a teeny violin throughout Circlejerk Central before RimJob was finally forced to lock the threads.

Fun fact from FDL: "A quick pardon for Libby would go against Justice Department guidelines, which recommend that a supplicant wait five years after conviction or release from confinement before seeking a pardon."

Fun fact 2: It was three Republican appointees who denied Scooter’s request to remain free on bail pending appeal.

The vice preznit plans another "hunting trip."


Anonymous said...

Our gov't is more of a mobster "family" than a group of duly elected representatives.


maru said...

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! See above post, while I rip my favorite pillow to FUCKING SHREDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!