July 25, 2007

LOL! Gaaaahhhhhhhh!!

I didn't know whether to laugh or jam staples in my eyes when I read this headline over at AmericaBlog this morning:

Bush is mentoring Iraqi's Prime Minister on leadership


Anonymous said...

OMG i had to do extra laps on the treadmill just to stop laughing at this. i'll be sore tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

it's so effing scary.

Anonymous said...

It is. I would say it's "terrifying", but in the light of the current day, I must say "It's TERRORIZING!"

DO NOT mistake me, Maru, I am terrorized by this administration and our current government. My POINT is that you make is temporarliy and somewhat bearable by finding the humor. In that, you are a Healer.

And the fight goes on tomorrow and all the tomorrows until this administration is GONE and we are rebuilding the freedoms we were born and raised to acknowlege as "God given".