July 17, 2007

New poll: leading Rethug presidential candidate is "none of the above"
Republicants can't decide which GOP hopeful sucks less: the adulterer, the psychopath, the make-up-wearing Mormon, the pro-abortion lobbyist, the total loser, or the other total loser...

The latest Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that nearly a quarter of Republicans are unwilling to back top-tier GOP hopefuls, and no one candidate has emerged as the clear front-runner among Christian evangelicals.

More Republicans have become apathetic about their options over the past month. A hefty 23 percent can't or won't say which candidate they would back, a jump from the 14 percent who took a pass in June.

"I'm looking for a strong honest person. Do you know of any?" joked an undecided Republican voter.
Yeah -- look under the blue banners.


Anonymous said...

Greedy, self-centered assholes are having a rare glimpse of insight and seeing a lot of shitty people (who look a lot like themselves, me thinks) looking back at them on TV.

If you really want to see what a week with these assholes would be like, read this Brit's dairy of a 'National Review' cruise for a sample of political hell: http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/07/13/2499/

Anonymous said...

Corporate MSM doesn't want to give any recognition to Ron Paul, cuz he don't work for them, so this is how they bury the guy.

Nick Z.