August 9, 2007

Poppy Bush: wehhhhhhhh!
Barb! They're making fun of our incompetent, idiot son again!

These are distressing days for George Herbert Walker Bush, who, at 83, finds it tough to watch his [pussy-assed, AWOL, arrogant ignorant] son get criticized from the sidelines...
Awwwww. There, there. But then it gets weird:
Despite the armchair psychologists who speculate about Oedipal complexes and prodigal sons, father and son are described as extremely close. When the clan is in Kennebunkport, all the Bush children, the preznit included, stream into their parents’ bedroom at the crack of dawn for coffee.
Brrrrrrrrrrr. Big ol' Barb in a negligee and Poppy with that pole-axed look on his face like he's been hit with a 2-by-4. Gak. Wtf's with that??


Anonymous said...

I wasn't allowed in my parents' bedroom, unless I was really, really sick, Mom had mono (she did), ot the cat was scarfing pipecleaners out of Dad's drawer (she did).

Anonymous said...

We all know about loving our children. HOWEVER, it might have been a good idea for Daddy to have loved the moron son a little less, and cared about what type of person he was raising a little more. Sorry, Pops, I got no sympathy for you or your idiot offspring. Just really looking forward to January 2009.


WeezieLou said...

yea, pops and mom - you should have considered special ed for that child. he might have learned some humility and some sense of boundaries and oh-so-human limitations. he's just a big, sprawling, egotistical big BABY. and one with evil parental surrogates.

Anonymous said...

Typical Company familial familiarity from Poppy down to poopy.

Anonymous said...

Arrrrgh! This couldn't get any worse!!!

Anonymous said...

Boo-fucking-hoo. My heart bleeds.