September 10, 2007

Listening to Petraeus, though it may be difficult with our ankles over our ears

In a Whore St Journal op-ed, longtime Bush rump-swabs John McCain and Joe Lieberman continue their epic suck-off of Awol McChimpleton:

The president had the courage to change course on Iraq. Does Congress?

Today, Gen. David Petraeus--brave, manly commander of our forces in Iraq--returns to Washington to publically fellate the prezni report on the war in Iraq and the new counterinsurgency strategy he has been implementing there. We hope that the defeatocrap opponents of the war in Congress will listen carefully to the "evidence" that the U.S. military is at last making real and significant progress in its offensive against al Qaeda in Iraq...

The Bush administration finally had the courage to change course in Iraq earlier this year. After hearing from Gen. Petraeus today, we hope congressional opponents of the war will do the same. Mmmghllllrrrrr!

Grrrrblllll mrrrr zzzghl mmmmmmmmr!

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