September 9, 2007

Romney had wider stance on gay rights

Back in the day, when he hung out at the Manhole bar and grille...

Mitt Romney seemed comfortable as a group of gay Republicans quizzed him over breakfast one morning in 2002. Running for governor of Massachusetts, he was at a gay bar in Boston to court members of Log Cabin Republicans.

When the discussion turned to a court case on same-sex marriage that was then wending its way through the state’s judicial system, he said he believed that marriage should be limited to the union of a man and a woman. But, according to several people present, he promised to obey the courts’ ultimate ruling and not champion a fight on either side of the issue.

I’ll keep my head low,” he said, making a bobbing motion with his head, one participant recalled, sighing.

The presidental candidate, seen here using candy to try to lure a small child away from it's keeper.


Anonymous said...

"...from its' keeper."

Ah! The misused apostrophe! It burns!

maru said...

Fixed it, thanks!

shartheheretic said...

Actually, it's still wrong...there should be no apostrophe.

it's = it is
its = belonging to

sorry to be the grammar police, but since the comments were already here, I thought I would break out the old red grammar book.

Anonymous said...

Mitt's' candys' s'tickin' to his' mitt's.

Grammar police!
Arrest that commenter!

Notice the shadows, they have that poor kid surrounded just for a photo op.

Maybe he's proposing to her?

Anonymous said...

I love that headline

Anonymous said...

As a society, we have lost the ability to use apostrophes correctly. I weep. Sorry Maru...