September 3, 2007

Turning the other cheek

A Colorado Republican Congressman threatens couple via phone messages because he objected to a letter to the editor that they wrote --

A couple who wrote a letter to the editor of a small community paper in Colorado were surprised to receive a threatening phone call at home complaining about it -- from a U.S. congressman.

Rep. Doug Lamborn left two voice mails after they questioned his acceptance of campaign contributions from the gambling industry. In one he said there would be "consequences" if the couple did not respond.
Bonus: the Rep. invoked Scriptures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's that part about "...resolve this on a Scriptural level..."?? Is Jesus or the Big-Boy upstairs going to mediate this dispute between all these 'religious' people?? Maybe that's why he wanted to do it Saturday nite - - Jesus & friends are probably pretty busy Sundays?