October 6, 2007

Anti-American terrist watch continues!!

America-hating fuckpipe hates America, troops, freedom --

Where is Sean Hannity's flag lapel pin?

Discussing an interview in which Sen. Barack Obama said he had stopped wearing a flag pin on his lapel during the lead-up to the Iraq war, Sean Hannity said on his radio show: "[W]hy do we wear pins? Because our country was under attack." He continued: "And to politicize once again the war to this extent. Well, who cares about the war? Are you proud of your country?" Yet while criticizing Obama for not wearing a flag pin, Hannity himself has not worn an American flag lapel pin on a number of recent occasions...
More here. Why does this pudfaced sanctimonious jerkoff hate America??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a veteran I stand with Obama on this and personally will not wear a flag pin, it encourages this culture of symbols of consumerism and no one really takes these symbols to heart. I worked for a flag manufacturer for a few years, they thought of themselves as being ultra patriotic. Just because they made flags in the US (made by illegal immigrants) they saw themselves as the pinnical of patriotism. But.... when I was called to active duty after 9/11 they were quick to try and illegally take away my seniority and scheduled raise. Luckily they didn't fight long once the threat of media attention was made. At the same time they loved to push me to the front when it was time to sell flags, as they made money off my service to the country.

I see flags a lot, usually on bumper stickers of people who cut me off. Stickers, lapel pins, outdoor flags, banners mean nothing as to ones patriotism, they are just empty gestures. Patriotism is action: actions like saving the VA system to support this generation's veterans, GI bill reform, challenging laws that block freedom, volunteering on so many levels......
That's patriotism.