October 6, 2007

The Current Level of Political Discourse

Oh for fuck's sake and the love of all things fuckable. The Reich-Wing is clutching pearls and having a shit fit over flag lapel pins. And predictably, the Fox "News" wurlitzer is cranked up to full volume with turbo magnum boost.
Wow. Supporting the troops does NOT mean paying for the war or volunteering to fight in it. True supporters of the troops have magnetic stickers on their cars, flag lapel pins, and demand tax cuts, but only if their income is high enough.
Time for a non-binding resolution condemning Iraq HUSSEIN Osamabama for not wearing a flag lapel pin..

Bonus: Sean Hannity: Why do we wear pins? "Because our country is under attack!"
Double Word Score: Sean Insanity rarely wears one.

Hannity to Coulter: I love the smell of rotting seafood in the morning

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sean Insanity!? Heh,heh...nice, I like that!