October 16, 2007

More Phony Soldiers Speak Out

Now that the thrill of sliming a 12 yr old boy has just about run it's course, quite predictably, the rabid, foaming at the mouth uber-patriots of the Reich-Wing have found a new toy to play with as the slime machine moves on to have a phony hypocritical hissy fit about yet another phony soldier. Todays feature presentation: the GOP smear machine is going after General Sanchez

I thought the Senate already said that attacking a U.S. General was inappropriate enough for a resolution. What ever happened to "criticizing a General is the same as betraying the WHOLE U.S. military?"

Oh....right, nevermind. IOKIYAR!

Coming soon: Phony Captains. Lush Limpballs is going to be busy, directing his ditto-heads how to think. Pass the beer and popco.......just pass the beer. It's going to be fun watching the wingnut heads exploding.

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