Saw this on drudge so no link, but evidently some unhinged rethug suckhole has submitted a House resolution to honor draft-dodging junkie Rush Limbaugh:
Mon Oct 01 2007 -- Mr. Kingston submitted the following resolution honoring all Americans serving in the Armed Forces of the United States and commending broadcaster Rush Limbaugh for his relentless efforts to build and maintain troop morale through worldwide radio broadcasts and personal visits to conflict regions.
Whereas the need to show support for American troops serving and fighting both here and abroad during a time of global conflict has never been greater, with the need to communicate an uplifting message of encouragement to American soldiers...
Whereas the need to show support for American troops serving and fighting both here and abroad during a time of global conflict has never been greater, with the need to communicate an uplifting message of encouragement to American soldiers...
Fun fact: the grotesque, pathetic smackhead even lied to the troops.

Isn't it amazing how they are always on the offensive. Before any Dem can call for a Resolution condemning Rush Windbag, the Republi-cunts have already got one commending him!
People, we have to be able to react like that!
The Right has spent the last 35 years ,(post /Watergate), building a huge propaganda machine with a Quick Reaction Force that would make a Navy Seal drool. The sting of having Nixon impeached still burns them and the fact that they are breaking laws on a daily basis drives them to cover their tracks. Phony soldiers? Phony Issues. Divide and Conquer has now become Distract and Conquer.
Read "Take It Back", by Carville and Begala. It's a blueprint for countering the Always Wrong Right.
Good post.
For your vomiting pleasure, here's a link, maru. Kinstard is a Republidouche from GA.
Hit the gasbag with satire that tells it like it is.
The new resolution this gasbag fan should the "Gladiator Support" resolution and Lush Rimjob should be called Neo-Roman Colluseum Fan #I.
I can just picture the fat scumbag, drinking wine and eating lamb, while cheering on the gladiators in this neo-roman nightmare.
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