October 2, 2007

Too stupid to be president

No, not him. This guy:

"We can’t forget the fact that although at a particular point in time we never found any WMD down there, he clearly had had WMD. He clearly had had the beginnings of a nuclear program."
-- Saint Fred Reaganson, holding forth about Saddam Hussein to a collection of garden gnomes on his front lawn before yelling at them to get the hell off.

Yes, he's just like Ronnie. He's fucking insane.

"Aspercreme! Pogo-stick! Refrigerator!"


Anonymous said...

No human being is too dumb to be president--Dumbya proved that. The verdict is still out on other mammals. I know we would have been better off the last 7 years if my lab had been president and he is dumb as dirt--but has a sweet and gentle disposition.

deuddersun said...

What a buffoon this guy is. I worked on Law and Order long before he ever showed up and I love the show, but if he is a candidate, all episodes with him in them should be pulled from the airwaves. Otherwise all other candidates should be given equal airtime.
