November 19, 2007

And your problem is...?

Moron: "David Shuster called the Douchebag of Liberty an senile, incontinent old fuck!!"

Call the Wehhhhmbulance! Cuntservatard WATB invents an outrage, has a conniption --

'David Shuster has hurled a hand grenade in the direction of one of Washington's most venerable political reporters. {Giggle - Ed.} The MSNBC "correspondent" has alleged that many people don't believe Robert Novak has "any credibility as a journalist."'
Yeah, so? Here's what actually happened:
DAVID SHUSTER: 'You now have the Clinton campaign saying the story [of Hitlery having the goods on B. HUSSEIN Obama] is patently false -- it is not true. If Bob, Robert Novak has any integrity as a journalist -- which a lot of people would suggest he doesn't -- he would then say: "OK, here are the Clinton supporters who told me this." And if Bob Novak cannot do that, then I think the egg on the face of Bob Novak is clear.'
[Douchebag of Liberty Boob] Novak stood by his story Monday that the Clinton campaign is spreading the word that it's holding back on dishing dirt on Barack Obama, and charged the Democratic frontrunner with playing "Nixon tricks ."
OMG!! The other N-word!!! He's so senile -- dude, it's 2007. They're called "Rovian tricks" now.

1 comment:

BadTux said...

Hey, Novakula, why don't you go out a CIA agent or something, okay?

Oh wait, the dipshit already did that...