November 19, 2007

Rethug moral and family values

The family that drives drunk and adulterously together... uhhhhhh...

"Embattled" former republican Rep. John Sweeney pleaded guilty Wednesday to driving drunk over the weekend under a deal that will cost him a $1,000 fine but spare him any time in jail.
Wait, it gets better:
[The married] Sweeney had told police he was driving home at the time. A 23-year-old female passenger was on Sweeney's lap, authorities said.
His lawyer acknowledged a woman was in the the car, but wouldn't comment any further.
But wait, there's more!
Sweeney is a former STOP-DWI coordinator in Rensselaer County.
This is the same pillar of society that grabbed his wife "by the neck and pushed her around the house" last October.

Bwaaahahahahaha... rethugs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

least it was with a woman, for a change