November 19, 2007

Another Sign That We Are Living in the Last Days

I had a feeling that there had been a great disturbance in the dark side of the force, but I couldn't quite put my finger in on it. It seems that the latest developing outrage for the nutzoid Reich wingnuts is that some hotel chains are replacing Bibles with something know as Intimacy Kits. WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!

The latest fad with some hotels is to replace their Bibles with “intimacy kits.” For instance, at New York City’s trendy Soho Grand Hotel guests can enjoy a gourmet mini-bar, an iPod, a flat-screen TV and even the company of a complimentary pet goldfish. But no Bible.
Wingnut heads to start exploding in 4, 3, 2......


Anonymous said...

What do the Reich-wingnuts use the Bibles in hotels for anyway? To knockout the underage boys they bring there to molest??

Anonymous said...

hahah @ what big em said