After years of relentlessly sniffing Hillary's panty drawer, when presented with the opportunity of a life time in the person of thrice married serial adulterer Rudy 9-11, smegma sucking "journalist" David Broder suddenly gets a conscience.
New York: Will you and the media ever apply as much scrutiny to the Giuliani marriages as you have done to the single Clinton marriage?Of course he isn't going to cover the Guiliani marriages/divorces/affairs like he did the Clintons' or any other Dem. Broder and his bunghole bingo playing pals throughout Washington journalism have hounded the Clintons for years, but now that a Republican serial adulterer is running, they're all taking the high road.
David S. Broder: I plan to leave both subjects alone.
This is your "liberal media".....on crack. No double standard here....move along. Oh, and 9-11 changed EVERYTHING.

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