November 13, 2007

More Money For War Profiteers, Less For Americans

Chimpenfurerher McFlightsuit holds breath, stomps feet, and whips out his veto crayon and vetoes a $10bn increase in health/education budget, signs $40bn increase in Pentagon budget

President Bush, escalating his budget battle with Congress, on Tuesday vetoed a spending measure for health and education programs prized by congressional Democrats.He also signed a big increase in the Pentagon's non-war budget....

Weapons are more important than knowledge. See? Motherfucking, obstructionist chickenhawk, piece of shit, corporate whore asshole. Bite me. And Impeachment is still off the table? Go figure.
Ain't democracy grand?
Dem Leaders are currently drafting a sternly worded letter............
We. Are. FUCKED. No kiss, no hug, no cuddling.


Anonymous said...

dude dont you know when our government was formed they made our government a democracy not a monarchy DUMBASS. since it is a democracy he does not have very much power. bush does not have total control on how long the troops stay in iraq, he just voices his opinion. the CONGRESS is who chooses when they come out of iraq. Seriously how bout you do more studying on our constitution and less whining.

Anonymous said...

no lube, either

Anonymous said...

Hey, anonymous,

how bout some Soma with that Kewlaid and maybe a little Taze-bro to keep ya blinking and lively so you won't totally nod out in the coma

Anonymous said...

yeah, mwah,

no mercy, no butter. Where's the nipclamps and the hood, the diapers, the dildo and the rubbersuit? Several of the lads want to watch from remote at the Bohemian Grove. Hey, Rush, gobble some Oxi, dood. We're strapping on the big one.