December 14, 2007

Republicunts Vote Against Banning Torture

Proving that they will take a back seat to nobody when is come to pure Fascism, This is God's Own Party:

The Democratic-led House of Representatives voted on Thursday to outlaw harsh interrogation methods, such as simulated swimming drowning, that the CIA has used against suspected terrorists.
On a 222-199 vote, the House approved a measure to require intelligence agents to comply with the Army Field Manual, which meets the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of war prisoners and prohibits torture.
Any guesses which party makes up the majority of the 199 no votes? See here. 10 Democrats and 189 Republicans voted nay.The Democrats may be frustrating, but these literal cocksuckers are nothing more than fascist thugs. It doesn't matter anyway Chimperor Flacidius Maximus has already threatened to use his veto crayon.
We are rapidly approaching, if not already at, the point of being beyond impeachment territory and into Declaration of Independence ver.2.0 territory.
God bless America, home of the torturers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooohh.. searing satirical pix! Hadn't seen that one before, and sure ain't gonna see it on the boob-tube.